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Photovoltaic Technical Conference sur les couches minces

 The fourth edition of the Photovoltaic Technical Conference “Thin Film and Advanced Silicon Solutions” will take place from 22 to 24 May, 2013 at the Congress Center of Aix-en-Provence (Southern France).
This technical conference in the area of photovoltaics aims to reinforce collaboration between laboratories and industrial partners in order to strengthen the technical development of new generations of solar cells. Solar cell manufacturers, equipment and material suppliers and research centers working on leading-edge photovoltaic technologies are invited to attend and contribute.
The call for papers is still open. Please click here to learn more about it. Your abstract must be written according to the abstract template. Deadline to submit your abstract: Monday, January 14th, 2013. Notice of acceptance: Wednesday, February 13th, 2013.

The PVTC Scientific Committee will select the best papers for a publication in one of these three journals:
                              – SOLMAT (Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells)
                              – EPJ Photovoltaic
                              – JRSE (Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energies)

 Keynote speakers:

Antonio LUQUE, University of Madrid, Spain – “What we have learned in the development of the Intermediate Band Solar Cell”
Michaël GRAETZEL, EPFL, Switzerland – “Performance and Industrialization of Mesoscopic Solar Cells”
Silke CHRISTIANSEN, Max-Planck Institute, Erlangen, Germany  – “Nanowire device concepts for thin film photovoltaics”  
Antonio FACCHETTI, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA – “Molecular, Polymeric, and Interlayer Materials for Printed Organic Photovoltaics”
Hironori KATAGIRI, Nagaoka National College of Technology, Japan – “CZTS thin film solar cells for sustainable PV expansion”

Accommodation: the tourism office of Aix-en-Provence has pre-booked rooms in Aix-en-Provence hotels to insure your hotel reservation. You will have until April 5th, 2013 to book a room and benefit from preferential tariffs. After this date, no guarantee of availability or tariff can be made.


This event is organized by ARCSIS, in partnership with Capenergies and Optitec, three organizations in charge of promoting microelectronics, non greenhouse gas producing energies and optics by creating synergies and partnerships.
 To subscribe to PVTC mailing list, please send an email to contact(@)photovoltaic-technical-conference.com.   
To submit your abstract or learn more about the conference, please contact:
Cindy PONS or Corinne JOACHIM at:
Tel: +33 (0)4 42 53 81 50



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